Answer the riddle for a chance to win £20! Check back throughout the day for new riddles and earn more entries. Full details about the competition below.
Follow us on Twitter or Facebook – we’ll sometimes give our followers a heads up when the riddle is updated!
The winner was Michael P!
More than one answer? Lots of riddles have more than one answer. As long as one of your guesses matches the answer at our end, you’ll get the points. (But entries with several wild guesses will be ignored so please only put valid answers.)
Previous Answers
How to Play
For the next 2 weeks, riddles are going to be displayed at the top of this page. There will be one riddle displayed at a time with an entry box for your answer underneath. Correctly answer a riddle to earn points into the prize draw.
The riddles will be displayed at random times for random periods. So for example:
Period Displayed | |
Riddle 1 | 1 – 2pm |
Riddle 2 | 2 – 6.45pm |
Riddle 3 | 6.45pm – 6am |
And so on. Check the site frequently for less chance of missing a riddle (and more chance of finding a golden ticket)! Every time you correctly answer a riddle, you will earn 10 points.
The competition started on 9th March and closes at midnight on Thursday 23rd March. Points will be pooled at the end and a winner randomly selected. The winner will be announced here on Friday 24th March at 11am.
[…] out the new competition for a chance to win […]
Hazel, put it this way…………the last time I had this much fun…………..I ended up pregnant !! ???? it has been great fun though, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it and hope there are many more to come………….competitions I meant, not babies ! ??
Hahaha Maggie, what are you like! You need to get back on the LOL comp if you’re in a silly mood 😛
I mean the to ask you about that…….you say the person who gets 20 likes wins, what happens if nobody gets 20 likes ?? do you add up all their likes to make it 20 ?? ????
* meant *
There’s a few entries with 20 likes, but it tends to be on social media more than the comment section on the site 🙂
Thanks Hazel for a fun filled 2 weeks of Riddles ! ???? I’ve had so much fun guessing the answers and huge congratulations to Michael Peace for being the winner, well done Michael !! ?????
Yay thanks Maggie, glad you enjoyed it 🙂
Thank you so much for this competition. It has been so much fun and my children have enjoyed helping me with the riddles too. Good luck to everyone who took part!
That’s lovely to hear that your children joined in too! Thanks Rachel 🙂
I really enjoy doing all your competitions, even though I haven’t won yet! I think I’m addicted to checking daily! lol love it! Hoping you have more lined up! No pressure! !! x
Thanks Julie, I am pondering some new ones to add but also need to get the prizes covered, I could do a few £5 ones but not sure if people would do them then 🙂
I’m some of us would do them for £5 or maybe a little treat of similar value as long as the game itself was fun & didn’t take too long to enter 🙂
Thank you Debbi, I’ll try and think of a mini one for a fiver and see how we go 🙂
I think they probably would! It’s not always just about the money,obviously that helps!!
I’m interested 🙂
I love today’s clue……..and answer !! ???
I’ve missed loads of these but I will miss them even more when the 2 weeks are up, they’ve been fun to look out for, thanks 🙂
I’ve missed loads today had a day out with my little boy ☺ They are good me and my hubby do them together cause i haven’t got a clue on some of them x
Oh no times & answers of previous riddles have gone!! ? T.x
No they’ve not I just moved them as the page was getting seeeriously long lol, there’s a link to “previous answers” above ^^
Missed lots yesterday, “life” got in the way :-/
And there was you saying you didn’t have a life! Lol ? T.x
Lol Tracy, you’re on the ball you!
Trust me there is a BIG difference between my life & actually having a Life 🙁
Aww Debbi you can also trust me when I say that I know exactly where you’re coming from with your reply yesterday!! Lmao
We are a fine pair by the sound of it. ?
Hay-Ho life must go on so they say!! ??
I hope you are having a good day today & most of all good luck!! T.x
Thanks & good luck to you too, both here & elsewhere x
I’m officially addicted I took those screenshots nearly 2 hours ago but keep getting distracted by all these riddles golden tickets and my new favourite the slot machine but I’m going to send them now so don’t let me miss anything lol T.x
Sorry just realized that I put FPL when I meant Free Birthdate Lottery in my reply just now!! Sorry :O
😮 the betrayal, hehe just kidding 🙂 happens a lot!
For the answer to number 15 (upside down year) I was thinking a horizontal mirror image, not a 180 degree rotation!! That’s why I put 1888 🙁
Sorry for any confusion Jo, it was meant to be like if you turned a piece of paper upside down or typed it in a calculator and turned it.
I realize that now 😀 Love your competitions – here & on FPL – thanks for all the time & effort you spend on them 🙂 xx
Aww you’re welcome thanks Jo 🙂
Mornin’ – nice lie in was it? 😉
Haha cheeky 😉 It was actually 😛
Can I just check that I’m looking in the correct place for the fabulously sought after ‘Golden Ticket’?!
I’m now looking on all the pages accessible from the Main Navigation bar (including the homepage) directly underneath the the blue YouGov Online Surveys advert. I am no longer searching any subcategories/pages available from the main pages. Is this correct? or am I looking in all the places? Lol T.x
Hi Tracy, you are looking on the right pages but not in the right place – it will be beneath the page title. I am going to have a rethink about how to direct people to where it will be to avoid any more confusion e.g. a “your ticket will show here” banner – I didn’t do this originally as I thought it would get people’s hopes up if they saw an extra banner but haven’t won. In the meantime, even if you’re vaguely looking at the top of the page, it would be so hard to miss it –… Read more »
Thanks Win Wonga I generally have a quick scroll all the way down as well just in case! lol I noticed from the screen shot on the newly added competition there was lots of adverts too, I’m only mentioning this because I don’t see any adverts and if I don’t see any adverts then does this mean I wouldn’t see the Golden Ticket either? Blimey I hope it wasn’t me that missed it!! Was it?? It does clear something up though, I was going to ask if it was displayed on everyone’s screen on that page until it gets claimed.… Read more »
I think you should see the golden ticket regardless of the adverts, however have you got Adblocker or something? If not, then there’s an issue with the site displaying on your device as there are at least 3 adverts normally. The ticket is displayed for one view only, so it will display on that page for as long as the page is open for but it won’t show again even for that person. That’s why I’ve had to give out the ticket prize separately as it won’t show up again now. Hope that makes sense! If I set it so… Read more »
That makes perfect sense. No I don’t have ad blockers on as I know that it needs to be off for all the free sites so I never have it on. I have seen the odd one that is just text (blue & black writing white background) but virtually never. I haven’t seen any today & I saw one last night above the page header on the main competitions page for three page visits but that was it all day, I can’t remember the last time I saw one before that but I think it was last weekend. I’m using… Read more »
Thanks for explaining in such detail Tracy, that sounds really strange that ads aren’t showing as you have it all set up as though they should. If it’s not too much trouble, could you send a screenshot of how the site appears on your phone to please, so I can check this out? If it happens to a lot of players, then it will be greatly impacting the funds for prizes which I don’t think any of us would want! 😮
Is there any more riddles I like guessing these 🙂
Yep there’s plenty more riddles Shannon 🙂
I’ve missed loads today!! I’d really really not well today though and have just been lying in bed all day trying to rest and get some sleep after another sleepless night (which is part of the norm! Lol). I don’t think it’s helping though so I’m back ??. I’ll bring you up to date on what has happened to make me feel so poorly. I had an operation a week gone Thursday ago. I was sent home with 7 days worth of antibiotics and told the stitches would start dissolving after a week (10 days usually). Anyway on Tuesday some… Read more »
Aww Tracy sorry to hear you’re having such a rough time of it and having to chase everything up must make it all so much more unbearable. I hope your appointment for Monday just gets sorted and you feel better soon.
Thank you I hope all is well with your family now as well! T.x
Same here missed 3 today as i was visiting my mum in hospital. I wished you well on lucky phone earlier but i will wish you well again. You can never have too many well wishes ? x
Thanks Paula
I wish your mum well soon too! I hope she will be home soon as good as new!! T.x
Awwww thanks Tracy. She has got pneumonia and sepsis so think she will be in for a while yet. It’s hit her so hard she’s 64 and has never been in hospital. I’m sure she will get there though she’s a tough cookie just like yourself x
This T riddle has been used before on FBL I hope it’s been rinsed! Lol T.x
No need for the negativity it was supposed to be a joke!!
Perhaps you need a sense of humour like mine to get it!! T.x
Now that the ‘T’ riddle answer has been revealed I can now explain that because the answer is Teapot I was saying that I hoped the Teapot had been rinsed out since it had last been used. As they say if you have yo explain it then it wasn’t funny so my apologies I will try and keep my whit to minimum! ? T.x
i keep forgetting to check the top of the page every time I come here to chat – doh! Lol
Lol what are you like Debbi!
Do you check every page of the games?! 9 pages? !
Nooo Sara! I don’t expect you to do that lol. The ticket will only be on pages which are one click from the main menu – it’s never on some obsure page, buried in the games etc. Not that cruel! 🙂
Lol ! Ive been checking every page, every nook and cranny! Thanks for clearing that up! 😀
Omg I’m sorry! You bloomin’ deserve to find that golden ticket today after all that clicking around!
Me too lol T.x
I could be a grammar nazi about this one…but I won’t 😉
Oh go on Debbi, I need to know now lol – are you talking about the current riddle?
Yep, the “T” one – some riddles just work better spoken than written 😉 )
Well done to Shannon who was the only one to answer the 5 minute riddle just now! 🙂
Thanks 🙂
The scales one? I answered that, was I too late or something?
Missed the alphabet one though 🙁
Oh I’ve just looked and another 2 entries have come through for the scales one, there must have been a delay in the admin or something – false alarm for you at least 🙂
Thanks – not that one more entry makes a major difference to my chances I just wondered where I went wrong 🙂
The scales one is the only one ive missed ! I was eating chinese!
Sara, if you’re going to miss one, eating chinese is an acceptable reason if you ask me lol, yum!